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Главная/Публикации/Trufanov D.O. Socialization from the Point of View of Postnonclassical (Universum) Sociological Theory of Rationality

Trufanov D.O. Socialization from the Point of View of Postnonclassical (Universum) Sociological Theory of Rationality

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Trufanov D.O. Socialization from the Point of View of Postnonclassical (Universum) Sociological Theory of Rationality  26.07.2018 15:05

The chapter is focused on the theoretical perspective of analyzing the process of socialization from the standpoint of the postnonclassical (universum) rationality theory. Rationality is defined as the cognitive self-reference of a society, a recursive layer of social reality, reflecting its existence and development via the means of consciousness and thinking.
Socialization is considered as a process of mastering culture, the former having rational and irrational sides. The rational side is connected with the individual’s acquisition of the ability to reflect reality discretely, normatively, symbolically, and reflexively. These abilities are necessary conditions to enter the world of human society culture. The irrational side is expressed in the process of the needs’ socialization, during which the individual’s extra-subjective needs in emotional satisfaction are transformed into orientations toward experiencing certain emotional states associated with the possibilities of satisfying needs in a particular society and culture. An important result of the socialization process is the formation of a system of the individual’s value orientations. The rational level of this system consists of orientations that have become the subject of the individual’s conscious choice. The irrational level consists of orientations to value experiences; these are the individual’s emotional experiences of his/her relationships with reality.

Keywords: rationality, socialization, postnonclassical approach, universum, sociological theory of rationality, reflexivity

Текст: Socialization from the Point of View of Postnonclassical (Universum) Sociological Theory of Rationality


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